ConstructSim Work Package Server Setup Guide

To Change the WPS Administrator Password

  1. OpeneB Director and Connect to the Datasource.
  2. Select File > Change Password.
  3. Enter the current password, the new password, and confirm the new password.
  4. Click OK. A confirmation dialog opens.
  5. On the WPS App server machine, open the eB System Management Console.
  6. Expand Communities, in the communities panel, select the community and right mouse click to bring up Properties…
  7. Enter the new Admin password, click Apply.
  8. In the warning dialog stating that you "…need to restart services…," click OK.
  9. Click OK to display the Properties dialog of the community.
  10. Go to services, select eB Service Manager, right mouse click, and select Restart.
  11. Go to your Data Processing server, and repeat step 5 to 10 (changing the Admin password via eB System Management Console).
  12. Test and verify that you can logon to the eB community via eB Director using the new Administrator credentials.